Chelsea Hester-Bradt

May 27, 20195 min

5 fun ways to eat and exercise intuitively while traveling

Nothing says summer quite like Memorial Day weekend. Swimming pools open their doors, tan lines get darker, and watermelon seeds are everywhere = My kind of party.

Most likely you've got some travel plans up your sleeve. Whether it's a weekend trip or a full summer at a beach house, it doesn't take long before your food and exercise routine has flown out the window.

Thankfully, I've got 5 tips here for you that will help you stay connected to your body and enjoy food all summer long.


One of the absolute best ways to make sure you're keeping your body happy is to walk whenever you get the chance.

This could mean:

-Choosing to walk through the airport rather than take the train

-Taking the steps at your hotel rather than the elevator

-Getting out and doing a lap around the welcome center at the rest stop

Long car rides and flights can be taxing on your body. It is important to utilize opportunities for movement to prevent your muscles from getting tight.

One of the most active periods of my life is when Chris and I took a 2 month road trip in 2017. One day we went to Disney Land and walked 6 miles! The next day we went on a hike, walked around our campsite collecting wood, and clocked in 5 more. This was our life for 2 months.

Exploring, walking, talking.

Simply living life is an underrated form of movement.

The next time you're on the road, take an after dinner stroll on the beach or do a structured walking tour of a city you have been to numerous times (I guarantee you'll learn something new!).


How many times have you planned on eating dinner at your final destination when you got the news your plane had a 2 hour delay?

Or you're supposed to be meeting family for lunch at the beach house and you get stuck in holiday traffic?

Or maybe you snag a muffin from the Starbucks at the airport and mid-flight hear the gurgle of your hungry tummy?

SNACKS ARE THE ANSWER. When traveling, always, always, always bring snacks. There are a lot of unknowns in new places. Bringing snacks provides a sense of control over your travel experience.

Some of my favorites are:



-Apples, grapes, bananas

-Trail mix

-Dried fruit

-Cliff bars

-Granola bars

Nothing fancy, but it will give you energy and familiarity when you most need it - and it's affordable too!


To all my structured fitness fans out there, if you are going to be traveling for a week or more, invest time on the front end of your trip researching different movement options in the area.

Many yoga studios, recreation centers, aquatic centers, and climbing gyms offer a free class or free week for newbies. If you're into sports, look at the area you're staying in and see if there is a tennis court or baseball field nearby. Free opportunities in the community can be fun way to get out and about, try something new, and move your body!

One of my personal favorite ways to move while traveling is to dance in a bar or club! Research the nightlife at your travel destination, put on your favorite clothes, some comfy foot wear, and go get on a dance floor! 30 minutes of boogieing down leaves me more sore than they gym (yes, I get pretty into it).


So often we think of traveling as a time to 'treat ourselves.' I'm all about pampering yourself, feeling good, and having fun, but granting ourselves permission to eat whatever we want for a limited period of time is a recipe for disaster.

-You do not need a travel excursion or a vacation's permission to enjoy food. You get to enjoy food and eat what sounds good every day of your life. Don't believe me? Check out my article about how to eat your favorite food every day.

-Eating whatever you want for a limited amount of time will inevitably lead to overindulgence. If your mind and body are under the impression that this pleasurable dining experience is rare, they are going to be greedy and try to get as much as they can in one sitting. This is human nature.

If I put a pizza in front of you and told you that after tonight you cannot have pizza again for another year… you would most likely eat past your body's fullness in the name of making a memory and savoring the moment (YOLO anyone?) If I put a pizza in front of you and said you could have pizza tonight, tomorrow, the next night, and the next… you would probably only have as much as your body wanted because there's no threat of scarcity.

The flip side of overindulging during vacation is then coming home and feeling the need to cleanse, get 'back on track,' or repent for your eating sins. And who wants that?!?

Rather than thinking of your travels as a time to 'overindulge' and 'splurge,' try approaching food with gratitude and curiosity.

Explore the local cuisine, sit at the table swapping stories and sharing memories late into the night, and try a food you've never had before. These are the things worth remembering.


If you're going to a hotel, do your research and see if they have a microwave or mini-fridge.

If you know the hotel has a place to store food, buy some staples. Just like its nice to have snacks while on the move, it's nice to come home after a dinner out, realize you're still hungry, and be fully prepared for a late night snack without spending money on vending machine food which, let's be real, is less-than-satisfying.

If you're staying with family, get a sense of when they eat meals or if they have any unique food routines ahead of time so you can plan accordingly. I visited a friend recently who was kind enough to let me know that she nor her husband drink coffee so if that was important to me, I could bring my own. Voila, I was traveling to an unfamiliar place, but had the choice to bring some familiarity with me and felt like the travel experience was more predictable.

Summer is about to begin, which means YOU are about to make some memories. Thanks for spending some time with me!

P.S. Want more tips like these? Until SATURDAY JUNE 1st, my Soulful Food and Body Experience 1-on-1 coaching program is accepting new clients at an early-bird rate. Sign up for a free intro call here and you'll be rockin' and rollin' in no time.
