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stop obsessing.

start living. 

You're tired of counting calories,

picking apart your flaws, and obsessing

about what to eat.

It's time to tune out the noise of diet-culture

And turn up the volume of your soul.

Because you have a life to live, an impact to make, and joy to feel.


Pssstt... Looking for YNAB Budget Coaching?

Yes, you're in the right place! As a multi-passionate ADHD-er with many loves and interests, I also offer YNAB budget coaching. 

1:1 Intuitive Eating Counseling

I'd love to support you in healing your relationships with food, your body, or money via Intuitive Eating Counseling or YNAB Budget Coaching!

Free Resources

I've got a library of downloadable goodies you can get started with right away!

The Blog

Dive into a collection of blog posts I've written about Intuitive Eating, mindfulness, body image, and so much more!


Hi, I'm Chelsea
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

I help you stop worrying about food and hating your body. For good. 



By teaching you ways to shift your mindset, tap into the real you, and lead a life with soul, intuition, and purpose.

More heart. Less fear.

Because you’re meant for that.

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