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Feel seen for who you are. 

Not how you look

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I'm Chelsea.


I teach people how to make peace with their bodies and food.

I envision a future where you embrace your curves, share meals filled with laughter, and wake up every morning proud and grateful to be exactly who you are.


I envision a world where you and me? We can hang out and discuss the matters of our heart.  Where discussing our weight or calories seems like a foreign concept.

If this is something you want too, then you're in the right place. ♥

Education and Experience

  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

  • M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

  • B.S. Child and Family Development

  • EDIT™ (Eating Disorder Intuitive Therapy) Certified Practitioner

  • Behavioral Health Counselor, Eating Recovery Center (2017-2018)

  • Play Therapist, Synergetic Play Therapy Institute (2012-2013)

  • Support Group Facilitator, The Eating Disorder Foundation (2011)

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I'm here to feel the feels with you

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The fun stuff:

  • Currently living in NYC - raised in Savannah, GA - went to grad school in Boulder, CO. Put these cities in a blender and you get me and all my favorite things. 

  • Performing on Broadway is my think-big-dream.

  • I have one husband, a brand-new baby, and three cats and we all love each other very much.

  • INFJ, with extra emphasis on the I.

  • I have a deep love of numbers and I'm OBSESSED with the budgeting app YNAB. I'm a Certified YNAB Coach and offer budget coaching. Check it out here!

  • I'm highly sensitive, received an adult diagnosis of ADHD, have joint hypermobility spectrum disorder, and live with a lot of chronic pain - I'm over here being very human right alongside you!

My guiding principles...

⭐Healing is both individual and systemic.


I acknowledge the reality of weight stigma and anti-fat bias that exists on a systemic level.


Healing your relationship with your body and food will always be deeply personal AND we each play a role in understanding and advocating for the healing of our communities at large. 


⭐The wisdom of our bodies can and should be trusted.


Your intuition is valuable and self-trust is sacred. Together we work to tune out the noise of diet culture and turn up the volume of your soul. You'll feel most anchored and grounded when your heart, spirit, mind, and body are connected and working as a team.



⭐Searching for pleasure and peace in your body is an act of rebellion.


You have the power to disrupt societal norms and model a different way of living for future generations. The inner work you do today creates a ripple effect impacting those around you.

Seen and Heard


Jak & Chelsea Tackle ADHD with YNAB on the You Need A Budget podcast

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Free Download!

Get my step-by-step guide to living a diet-free &

heart-centered life


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