Sliding Scale Info
When choosing your coaching investment, please consider your income and your privilege.
Here are some suggestions and prompts to guide you!
Consider paying full price if some of these are true:
You can cover your basic needs & extras (nails, hair, tv subscriptions, hobbies, gym membership)
You have money in savings
You have economic, racial, size, etc. privilege
You own a home or property or rent a higher-end property
You own a car
You have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money
You have health insurance
You're able to travel recreationally
$90, $100, or $110/session - Equitable pricing
Consider paying a sliding scale fee if any of these are true:
You're part of a marginalized community (BIPOC, LGTBQ+, fat, disabled, neurodivergent, etc)
You support others besides yourself on your income alone (you have dependents like children, family members, or your partner)
You're living paycheck to paycheck with very little expendable income (no "fun" purchases)
You're a high school or college student paying for this with your own money
If you have questions about the sliding scale or if $90/session is still out of reach, please email me at to talk through alternate options.